BTS & batch winders from Sohler-Neuenhauser

Sohler-Neuenhauser-picSohler-Neuenhauser, a member of the Neuenhauser Group, is associated with the TridentGroup since 2008-09. Its first installation was at the Budhni complex itself.

The company experience of working with Trident is extremely good. The TridentGroup is successful because of its strong management and good business relationship built on trust and mutual understanding.

The Neuenhauser Group is a solution provider for automation in spinning units and the provider for all kind of winding in weaving and warp knitting. Its customers are trend-setters and the TridentGroup is definitely one of them.

It has to be pointed out that the TridentGroup is one of the trend-setters for combining and balancing automation with human interface, keeping in mind the challenges of the future.