HEUSCH introduces revolutionary SIRIUS* shearing spiral

HEUSCH, the inventor of the modern concave shearing spiral for the textile and carpet industries, has announced its ground-breaking new product line SIRIUS*. Several shearing machine manufacturers have already embedded the new product in their machines.

Mr. Thomas H. Schaefer, Managing Director, Heusch

SIRIUS* will be on display at Lafer, Unitech, XETMA and ZGL.

Mario Crosta and carpet shearing machine OEMs like Bejimac and Sellers are ready to incorporate the SIRIUS* spirals in their shearing units.

First tests with micro fiber, fleece and carpet applications have shown dramatic performance improvements. Downtimes for re-sharpening and lapping have been reduced dramatically. Based on application and machine set up, savings of 30-50 per cent could be realized.

SIRIUS* is the first and only shearing spiral being designed utilizing bionic engineering. The beaver tooth was used to model the new spiral. SIRIUS* has a very thin, extremely hard front layer and a softer, much bigger carrier layer. This dual layer concept facilitates a self-sharpening effect on the spiral. As long as the ledger blade touches the spiral, the cutting-edge of the spiral would always stay sharp.

The working principle of SIRIUS* always requires a slight touch of spiral and ledger blade to guarantee spiral sharpness. In case of no-touch the position of the ledger blade or the shearing cylinder depending on the machine type needs to be adjusted. After adjustment, re-sharpening of the ledger blade is optional, but not prerequisite.


Due to this self-sharpening function SIRIUS* spirals need much less re-sharpening than the conventional spirals. By design they stay sharp for a very long time. The special customer benefits are less re-sharpening of the shearing unit, extremely durable spiral, continuous shearing operation with less interruptions, improved shearing quality and freedom of choice to select the spiral hardness.

SIRIUS* comes in 1.5mm and 2.0mm thickness. The 1.5mm version is available in three different levels of hardness – Granite 725HV0.1, Titanium 850HV0.1 and Diamond 1000HV0.1. The 2.0mm version called Mammoth is available with a hardness of 875HV0.1.


SIRIUS* is available for most of the shearing machines. All 1.5mm spirals have right-hand winded option. The 2.0mm Mammoth spirals are available as left- and right-hand winded versions. All SIRIUS* spirals will be released for general sales on January 1, 2016.