Hyosung hosts fabric development workshops for creora partners in Asia

Hyosung-Creora-picHyosung, currently the largest spandex producer with the creora brand in the world, hosted fabric development workshops for its key partner mills and brands in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other countries in Asia.

“The purpose of the workshops is to give our key partners a competitive advantage through technical information on how to develop fabrics using creora. In addition, by incorporation of Spring/Summer textile 2016 trends, we want to give the mills new ideas for fabric development to increase their commercial success,” said President Hyun-Joon Cho.

“As the leader in textiles we want to support our creora partners. We have conducted similar workshops in other parts of the world like in Brazil, Turkey, India, etc. We are striving to deliver on the creora brand promise of superior technical supports as the global leader in quality, technology, and service”, he added.

Hyosung plans to continue to find new ways to serve its customers’ needs so that they are recognized for unparalleled service, in addition to outstanding products and technology. For example, the company launched a new integrated brand campaign for new sub-brands of creora this year. It plans to continue hosting workshops and technical seminars in other countries in Europe, the Americas and Asia to help their customers develop innovative fabrics for their business.

At the workshops, Hyosung also introduced the newest sub-brands for specialty products in creora spandex linked to market trends:

Hyosung-Creora-pic-1• creora Color+ dyeable spandex for deeper darker colors and better colorfastness

• creora eco-soft low heat settable spandex for finer, lighter, drapier fabrics

• creora Black for increased power without grin through

• creora highclo super chlorine resistant spandex