Focus on Indian Spinning Industry – KPR Mills

K.P.R. Mills is one of the largest vertically integrated apparel manufacturing companies in India. The company produces yarn, knitted fabric, readymade garments and wind power. It has state-of-the-art production facilities in Tamil Nadu.

With a workforce of over 15,000 employees, it has a cumulative capacity of 3,53,568 spindles to produce 90,000 MT of yarn per annum, a knitting facility to produce 27,000 MT of fabric per annum, and a garmenting facility to produce 95 million pieces of ready-made knitted apparel per annum, and an industry-acclaimed ETP embedded fabric processing unit with a capacity of 9000 MT per annum. Capacity doubling is underway. Conversion of conventional spindles into high value yarn producing capacity is almost completed.